Wednesday, March 10, 2010

SIX you may (or may not) know I have been a SAHM now for 6 years...that's right--count 'em....1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....S-I-X. I've always been a bit ahead of the game so it's no surprise that the Seven Year Itch has nothing on me. Just in case you are behind the 8 ball on this, let me emphasize again that I am talking about 6 looooong years of being at home. Have to admit, after I beat the horse to death ( I am a big fan of this) and there is no more sign of life what-so-ever I begin to feel guilty. Guilty for complaining about having the luxury to stay home. Guilty about the fact that when I am home (which is ALL the time in case I haven't mentioned it) I am most often spinning my wheels. Mmmm Hmmm that's right...spinning away getting almost next to nothing done and wondering somewhere around 4 o'clock where the day went? To hell in a handbasket-- that's where. Except I probably can't find my handbasket, so skip that piece and just know it went straight to hell, hairpins flying all the way.

Just when I am feeling really down about this enters my friend Maria. Have I told you about her before? Probably not. She is an amazing person with the grace and beauty of an icon, but thinks herself quite the opposite. Her refreshing sense of optimism always amazes me and I told her so last night. She came over to get her hair done (yes.. Bubbleye is a retired hairstylist) and watch American Idol (which Bubbleye NEVER watches at all no way no how unless Maria is on the scene).

In any event she lifted my spirits made me giggle, sang with my kids and reminded me of the time she squashed a stink bug in her bathroom and the guts flew onto her lip...EWWWWWWW!
Thanks, Maria. Being able to stay home and hang out with you is precious. But I will still always ask, "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"

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